Stills from the 25 minute video documentation of the creation of the piece "Approach: Priming 1." Each still shows a motion of the approach as they built up over time. After this piece was complete I coated it in cyanotype and did the same action of my approach, this time sticking my feet in a bucket of water rather than gesso as it is how cyanotype is deactivated. Results of that experiment in previous slide.
Experimental piece that was pivotal to my thesis in connecting the conceptual questions I was asking and my art practice.
An early drawing for potential installation of the diving board cyanotypes. This was before I came to the idea of hardening the canvas on top of a diving board so they could hold their own shape rather than being draped across an object or suspended in a particular way to evoke the shape of the board.
Close up of cyanotype diving boards from Between Control and Letting Go thesis installation.